About CoreSifu

Hello, I’m Johan van Wyk, the voice behind CoreSifu.com.

Johan van Wyk

Growing up in Stellenbosch, South Africa, I was always fairly athletic and loved to run around. Although later years got a bit lazy in the sports and exercise department until after school.

Luckily, I never had a weight problem but could feel I was very unfit with very little endurance. I thought I needed to do something about it so started running short distances after school and got involved with touch rugby and a year later I started doing karate. Currently, I have a 1st Dan (black belt) in Karate-do International.

receiving 1st Dan Black Belt
Receiving my 1st Dan Black Belt

I was always interested in biology at school and the physiology of the body and how it functions. After school, I attended the University of Stellenbosch and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree (BSc) in Sports Science.

Stellenbosch University – One of the best Universities in South Africa! 😉
my graduation picture from university
Graduation day!

I started developing a passion for keeping fit and bettering myself and also other health aspects like eating healthy and learning how to breathe properly to energize my body. I always felt a lack of energy growing up and didn’t know why.

Throughout the years I have learned a lot about healthy living and decided to share my passion with everyone. For me, CoreSifu was an obvious choice, because everything starts with a strong core, and understanding how your core function is essential for a healthy body. Most of your organs are situated in your core and having a strong core is important to protect these organs. Most of your central nervous system is in your core and a strong core protects your spinal cord, so many people get lower back problems from having a weak core.

core muscles
Main Core Muscles

If you are overweight or just really unfit you can change that, but it cost a little effort. Losing weight and getting that athletic physique doesn’t come overnight and the only way you can achieve it is by changing your lifestyle. Eating healthier nutrient-dense foods will help you not to overeat and getting into a good exercise routine will go a long way into sculpting your body the way you want it to look. This must be a lifestyle change so it must be ongoing, stick with the good habits, and don’t convert to your old ways when you achieved your goal.

All the best,
