Johan van Wyk, BSc Sport Science

Johan van Wyk, BSc Sport Science

Hello, I’m Johan van Wyk, the voice behind Throughout the years I have learned a lot about healthy living and decided to share my passion with everyone. For me, CoreSifu was an obvious choice, because everything starts with a strong core, and understanding how your core function is essential for a healthy body. Most of your organs are situated in your core and having a strong core is important to protect these organs. Most of your central nervous system is in your core and a strong core protects your spinal cord, so many people get lower back problems from having a weak core.

What is hypertrophy during exercise?

According to the definition, hypertrophy is the enlargement of an organ or tissue through the increase of its cell size. This must not be confused with hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is the enlargement of an organ or tissue through the increase in the reproduction rate of its cells, thus increasing in cell number.

The three different skeletal-muscle fibers

The amount of thick and thin filaments per unit of cross-sectional area is more or less the same in all types of skeletal muscle fibers. This means that the larger the diameter of the muscle fiber the more thick and thin filaments it will contain working together in parallel to produce force. The result will be an increase in maximum tension and thus greater strength.

What is the afterburn effect that comes with exercise?

EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption refers to the elevated rate of metabolism and is linked to increased uptake of oxygen after exercise. Elevated metabolism means more calories are burned over the same time. This effect is highest with high-intensity anaerobic exercise like sprinting or weightlifting because this is when you tap into your muscle’s stored energy to keep up with the increased energy demand....

What is the Endocannabinoid system and how does it relate to Exercise?

The Endocannabinoid system consists of endocannabinoids which are neurotransmitters and are expressed throughout the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) and peripheral nervous system (nerves outside the brain and spinal cord).  Endocannabinoids is a naturally synthesized molecules similar to THC which is the chemical responsible for the effect you get from the cannabis plant. Ongoing research is still being ....

What is runner’s high?

What is a runners high?
A runner’s high is that feeling of euphoria (a feeling of intense joy and happiness) while exercising. This is when pain turns to pleasure. Running, cycling or any aerobic exercise (moderate-intensity endurance exercise) causes the hormone endorphin (similar to morphine) to be released by the pituitary gland in the brain to alleviate pain. This gives you a feeling of happiness and pleasure. It is relatively short-lived though....

Benefits of high-intensity sprinting over moderate-intensity jogging

Sprinting is one of the best fat-burning exercises out there with so many benefits. By sprinting I don’t mean running/jogging but sprinting flat out. Many of us might think sprinting like Usain Bolt is just for professionals. Many might be afraid of trying to sprint again because decades might have passed since you last sprinted. Sure, jogging and cycling have their place and are good for endurance and breaking down....

Single-joint vs multi-joint exercises

Isn’t any kind of exercise good just as long as you train regularly? Sure, any exercise in most cases is better than none. We will be discussing the benefits of doing certain types of exercise routines over others. Depending on what kind of outcome you are looking for, there might be more efficient exercises than the ones you are doing....

Connecting Muscle Mass with Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

The amount of lean body mass particularly your muscle mass that you possess directly and positively influences your RMR. The more lean muscle (muscle without the fat) you have the higher your RMR will be and the more calories you will burn each day. This is the reason that resistance/weight training is so important to getting lean. The more muscle you develop, the easier it would be for you to loose body fat...