Fuel or Flaw? The Truth About Pre-Workout Coffee with Sugar and Milk

You can definitely use sugar and milk with your pre-workout coffee, but adjust based on your goals...

What is Better to Have, Stamina or Endurance?

So in conclusion, Stamina or Endurance? In essence, neither is strictly "better"—it depends on your goals...

What is the Difference Between Stamina and Endurance Training?

Stamina and endurance are crucial for different types of physical performance, but they train and challenge your body in different ways. Stamina is more about short-term power, while endurance is...

Can I increase my fast vs slow muscle fibers or vice versa?

Exercise produces little change in the proportions of fast and slow fibers in the muscle, this is because exercise does not change the types of myosin enzymes formed by the fibers...

What happens to your body when you are in “fight or flight” mode?

It's important to note that the "fight or flight" response is a vital evolutionary adaptation that has helped humans survive in dangerous situations...

What are variations to dead hang exercise?

Firstly there are different grips that you can try; the normal or standard one is the overhand grip meaning your palms face away from you, then you can also try the underhand grip where palms are...

Electrolytes in energy drinks, why do I need them when exercising?

Drinking electrolyte fluids restores these vital minerals and the water content hydrate you, restoring plasma concentrations...

Can I still gain muscle if I am over 40?

The maximum contractile ability and power generated by a muscle decrease by 30-40% between the ages of 30 and 80...

Why do we involuntary stretch when we wake up?

Do you ever wonder why in the morning when you just woke up before you can even start to plot the day’s activitiessuddenly your body overrides you and take over without permission and do a full...

What happens with my muscles when running long distances regularly?

Regular running produces an increased number of mitochondria in the fast-oxidative and slow-oxidative fibers which are activated in this type of exercise. There is also an increase in the number of...

What is hypertrophy during exercise?

According to the definition, hypertrophy is the enlargement of an organ or tissue through the increase of its cell size. This must not be confused with hyperplasia. Hyperplasia is the enlargement of...

What is the afterburn effect that comes with exercise?

EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption refers to the elevated rate of metabolism and is linked to increased uptake of oxygen after exercise. Elevated metabolism means more calories are burned...

What is the Endocannabinoid system and how does it relate to Exercise?

The Endocannabinoid system consists of endocannabinoids which are neurotransmitters and are expressed throughout the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) and peripheral nervous system...

What is runner’s high?

A runner’s high is that feeling of euphoria (a feeling of intense joy and happiness) while exercising. This is when pain turns to pleasure. Running, cycling or any aerobic exercise (moderate-intensity...

What are my ‘lats’, and should I be exercising them?

Latissimus dorsi are your 'lats' muscles and this is a flat V shaped muscle connecting your arms and shoulders at the side to your vertebral column at the back and running down all the way to the hips...

What is diaphragm breathing?

Breathing with your diaphragm triggers a deep breathing pattern filling your lungs with air more efficiently. Many people do tight, shallow chest breathing and not engaging your diaphragm...

What exercise can I do to show lower abs?

Firstly, as lower and upper abs are the same muscle called rectus abdominis (Ra), you can't isolate the two areas of the same muscle. Most well known abs exercises activate more muscle fibers in the...

Are upper and lower abs different muscles?

No, they are only opposite sides of a single long muscle called rectus abdominis (RA)...

Does a six pack mean I have a strong core?

No, absolutely not. Your  abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis) known as a six pack is just one muscle group out of many in your core.  Two groups of muscles lie in the core, the outer or superficial...

Do I need a gym to strengthen my core?

There are a variety of exercises you can do to strengthen your core right at home. Needing only a small space on the floor, or using furniture like chairs or tables to support you while your core is...

Why should I care about my core?

In your core area you have all your vital organs except your brain. Your central nervous system is in your spinal column. Your heart and lungs in your chest, stomach in abdomen and many vital veins...

What is core exercise?

The core region consists of your abdomen, ribs, back, pelvis and hip. Core exercise is any exercise that engages your abdominal, side, back/spine  and pelvic muscles. These muscles are needed to...