A Beginners dead hang normally has a two-handed overhand grip while feet are off the floor or your feet can be supported slightly depending on your strength and fitness level.. There are a few variations that you can try as you are getting stronger and looking for a more challenging exercise.
Firstly there are different grips that you can try; the normal or standard one is the overhand grip meaning your palms face away from you, then you can also try the underhand grip where palms are facing towards you. Lastly you get the neutral grip where palms are facing each other. You can do neutral grip on a pullup bar or monkey bars in the park. If you feel adventurous you can mix the grips for example one palm facing forward and one back, or you can even try the suicide grip, meaning no thumbs are involved.
Now that we covered the different grips we can talk about more challenging ways to a dead hang. If you can find a thicker bar to hang on or a thick tree branch you will find it much more challenging, because grip are limited and it works your forearms like never before. Another more challenging way is to find gymnastic overhead rings if it is possible to hang on, they are less stable and more effort goes in it to keep hanging. Then there is the one-handed dead hang. Try your normal hang position, then let go of one hand and hang till you get tired, then grab the bar and let go with the other hand alternating between hands. Or another way of the one handed dead hang is grabbing the bar with one hand and a weight with the other hand, hang till your grip fails and then do it the other side.